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The First Metaverse Executive Workshop

作家相片: Dr. Kate Kwan Dr. Kate Kwan

Written by Dr. Kate Kwan

The first MBS Metaverse Workshop for The University of Manchester (East Asia — Hong Kong) was held successfully on May 17 & May 25, with the metaverse experts Dr. Amanda Lim and Dr. Kyle Wong as instructors. Students from Hong Kong, United Kingdom, Vietnam and Australia joined the workshop with great excitement.

With the latest evolutionary development in technology, students learnt about how the metaverse has been evolved, market size of the metaverse, its opportunities and potentials, technologies and various platforms involved, and how the metaverse can help businesses etc. Apart from virtual classroom lectures, students were able to teleport amongst different spaces under different platforms including Greatmeta Space, Greatmeta Fun, and Greatmeta Presentation Hall for lecture, group discussions, group presentation, site-seeing and fun times.

With first hand immersive experiences, students were able to chat freely in the metaverse without masks, fly without wings and meet without borders. The workshop provide an opportunity for students to feel what is like to be in the metaverse.

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